Building an EDC First-Aid Kit | Kydex Gun Holsters

Life is unpredictable, to say the least. The same road you’ve taken to work every day for years could suddenly close when a car fire occurs. Your neighbor might suddenly collapse while collecting his mail. Your child could accidentally cut themselves on a rock while you’re out hiking.

While you can’t be totally prepared for every situation, you can be better prepared. Part of the philosophy of Everyday Carry is to always have the tools and skills you need to make life easier and safer with you. As someone who also conceals and carries a firearm, a valuable addition to your regular EDC is a first-aid kit. But what should go inside it? On Your 6 Designs breaks down some of the most popular options that will address most of the first-aid situations you’ll encounter from day-to-day.

Planning for the Worst

Before we get too far, it’s important to remember that no one first-aid kit will be able to address each and every injury you’ll ever hear about. With that in mind, it’s important to build a kit that will address the injuries you’re most likely to experience during a given activity or job. These might include injuries like:

  • Cuts, scrapes, lacerations, and puncture wounds
  • Splinters and skin irritants
  • Burns
  • Bug bites
  • Allergy, fever, infection
  • Dehydration or diarrhea
  • Sprained or broken limbs or joints
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetic emergencies
  • And many more

Again, you don’t have to carry something to address every one of these issues. To do so, you’d have to work in a hospital. But you can address many of these concerns with a few items.

What to Pack

Once you’ve thought about how you’ll use your kit and under what circumstances, you can start building it. Here are some suggestions that will help you treat some common health concerns.

Cuts and Scrapes

A few bandages of a variety of sizes are useful. You might pack a larger piece of gauze for larger wounds. Medical tape is a great addition and can help keep the bandages in place. Antibiotic cream and disinfecting wipes can keep the wound clean and free of infection.

Pain and Fever

Should you or someone else sustain a blow or come down with a fever, you’ll want some pain relief medication. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are available over-the-counter and include options like ibuprofen, Tylenol, and more.


Antihistamines can be purchased over-the-counter and are a vital addition to any first-aid kit, especially if you or a friend has allergies. Hydrocortisone cream is also useful in treating mild reactions.

Skin Conditions

Sunburns, road rash, bug bites, or blisters can be challenging to live with, but are fairly easy to treat. Consider carrying a small amount of moleskin to address blisters. Aloe vera gel or calamine lotion can soothe irritated skin quickly.

Digestive Concerns

Maybe it was a bad burrito at lunch or bad water from the creek. Whatever it was has left you with an upset stomach. These conditions can be treated readily with antidiarrheal meds, laxatives, antacids, and anti-nausea products.

Body Substance Isolation

Should a friend or stranger become injured or sick, you don’t want to get their fluids on you. It’s a good idea to carry a few sets of nitrile gloves with you. But these on before offering aid so that blood, vomit, or other substances don’t get on your hands.

Where to Keep Your First-Aid Kit

Depending on what situation you designed the kit for, and the size of it, you’ve got a variety of options for storing the kit. Wherever you choose, make sure that it is easily accessible.

Many who have an EDC first-aid kit keep it in the backpack they bring with them every day. Others leave them in their car. Some have made such compact kits that they can be kept in a pocket. Just make sure that the kit is clearly marked as first-aid, is easy to access, and is well organized. This will help save you time when you need to use it.

Training is the Key

Just like you went through training to get your concealed carry permit or to learn firearm safety, you should also get training in first aid. Having the tools is a great start but is meaningless without the skills to use them. The American Red Cross offers first-aid training classes across the country and throughout the year. You’ll get training in basic first-aid and there are options to get CPR certified as well.

Build a Better EDC Kit With On Your 6 Designs

When it comes to the tools in your EDC kit, never compromise. That’s why we offer the best concealed holsters out there. Made from rugged Kydex and handmade to fit your firearm, our holsters are backed by a lifetime guarantee and supported by our line versatile EDC gear. Order today.

Source link: by Nicholas Gangi at